Hi Marc,
yeah, i agree with you... however, it would be another step for the user to
take. Is there a way to do that using the %complete or %work complete. Let's
say all tasks on certain phase got completed, how can i reflect to the ent.
project text field that the current phase is the next phase.
Project Name : Project_sample
CurrentStatus(Enterprise Project Text 1) : planning phase
Activities %Complete
initiation phase 100
task 1 100
task 2 100
task 3 100
planning phase 0
task 4 0
task 5 0
if i am going to create a new project summary it will give me the ff:
Project Current Phase
Project_sample planning phase
Project_sample1 initiation phase
Project_sample2 stabilizing phase
Im thinking of using the WBS. I wil be defining an enterprise custom
field(toplevelWBS) which holds the leftmost part of the WBS. Then I will
create another enterprise field(phase) which reflects the leftmost
corresponding value. (i.e. if its a 1 then initiation, if its a 2 then
planning). During updates, using a project text field(current phase), my
condition is if its a summary task and it is %100 complete and phase =
'initiation' then current phase =planning and so on...
does it make sense?