This method will work only if: (a) you actually have IncludePicture fields
(that is, that the graphics are linked) and (b) the graphics are In Line
With Text.
1. Press Alt+F9 to display field codes.
2. In the Find dialog (Ctrl+F), type ^19 INCLUDEPICTURE in the "Find what"
3. Check the box for "Highlight all items found."
4. Click Find All.
5. When all the IncludePicture fields are highlighted, carefully (so as not
to deselect the selected text) click outside the Find dialog and press
Ctrl+C to copy all the selections (or, if you still have a Copy button on
your Standard toolbar, this would be a good occasion for using it.
6. Create a new document and paste in the text you just copied.
The only problem with this approach is that the "text" you copied will be
fields, so you'll have created a document full of linked pictures. There's
no way to unlink the codes without destroying the fields, but there are two
other ways to extract the picture paths:
1. Just print the document you created, checking the box for "Field codes"
on the Print tab of Tools | Options.
2. If the pictures are all on the same drive, you can use another Find All:
a. Click More in the Find dialog and check the box for "Use wildcards."
b. In the "Find what" box, type "C:*" (including the quotation marks),
assuming that C: is the correct drive (substitute another if necessary). You
could also use "C:\\*" if it is likely that "C:" would pick up something
other than picture paths.
c. Find All, then Copy and Paste as before.