Hi All,
I want to read the client information in which ckient has different
different gropups,like group1 has five connected shapes,group2 has 3
connected shape like that.I dont have any idea how many perticular
groups are there in that client information(may be some Array of
structure). Now when i start reding that information I create one
group for shape1 & then for next shape i will check does it belongs to
some other group,if no add in same group
if yes create a new group & add that shape in new group like that....
Connection information is also exsisting,all shapes kep connected with
each other during the Grouping event.
I want to read the client information in which ckient has different
different gropups,like group1 has five connected shapes,group2 has 3
connected shape like that.I dont have any idea how many perticular
groups are there in that client information(may be some Array of
structure). Now when i start reding that information I create one
group for shape1 & then for next shape i will check does it belongs to
some other group,if no add in same group
if yes create a new group & add that shape in new group like that....
Connection information is also exsisting,all shapes kep connected with
each other during the Grouping event.