How can I delete a notebook in Windows Vista?



I can do this easily with my desktop in Windows XP.
When trying to delete my notebooks on laptop using Vista Home Basic, it
keeps saying the folder is open in another program.

I cannot delete any notebooks in either Documents\OneNote Notebooks nor D:\

Please help.

Rainald Taesler

sean_gm said:
I can do this easily with my desktop in Windows XP.
When trying to delete my notebooks on laptop using Vista Home
Basic, it keeps saying the folder is open in another program.

I cannot delete any notebooks in either Documents\OneNote Notebooks
nor D:\ drive.

Normally one just uses the Windows Explorer and deletes the unwanted
notebook-files there.
One should close the notebook in ON prior to deleting.

Something seems to be special on your system.
Are you sure that you have the full rights for the directory?


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