Colin Steadman
I have a template with an AutoNew macro. The AutoNew macro prompts the user for an employee number, gets data from a database and builds a standard document. If the user wants to create another document, they can click a button in a Custom Toolbar to re-run AutoNew. So far so good
What I'd like to do in my DatabaseConnect function is check if the connection object is still open. If it is there is no need to reconnect to the database again. The problem is that my connection object doesn't seem to have any properties I can check to determine this. Is this actually possible
Public ws As DAO.Workspace ' Create a work spac
Public cn As DAO.Connection ' Create a connection va
Sub AutoNew(
If Not DatabaseConnect Then En
If fetchDataFromDatabase(1) The
i = fetchDataFromDatabase(2
i = fetchDataFromDatabase(3
i = fetchDataFromDatabase(4
i = fetchDataFromDatabase(5
MsgBox "No data were found for requested payroll number", vbInformation, "No data found
End I
End Su
'-- Connect to Remu
Public Function DatabaseConnect(
On Error Resume Nex
'<<<< Need to check that connection not already open >>>
Set ws = DBEngine.CreateWorkspace("MyWorkspace", "admin", "", dbUseODBC
Set cn = ws.OpenConnection("ODBCConnection", dbDriverNoPrompt, False, "ODBC;DATABASE=live;UID=;PWD=;DSN=remus"
If Err.Number = 0 The
DatabaseConnect = Tru
ans = MsgBox("IngresNet not running. Attempt to start IngresNet now?", vbYesNo, "Connection Failed"
If ans = 6 The
Shell32.ShellAndWait ("ingstart"
MsgBox "IngresNet started.", vbInformation, "Ingstart complete
End I
DatabaseConnect = Fals
End I
On Error GoTo
End Functio
What I'd like to do in my DatabaseConnect function is check if the connection object is still open. If it is there is no need to reconnect to the database again. The problem is that my connection object doesn't seem to have any properties I can check to determine this. Is this actually possible
Public ws As DAO.Workspace ' Create a work spac
Public cn As DAO.Connection ' Create a connection va
Sub AutoNew(
If Not DatabaseConnect Then En
If fetchDataFromDatabase(1) The
i = fetchDataFromDatabase(2
i = fetchDataFromDatabase(3
i = fetchDataFromDatabase(4
i = fetchDataFromDatabase(5
MsgBox "No data were found for requested payroll number", vbInformation, "No data found
End I
End Su
'-- Connect to Remu
Public Function DatabaseConnect(
On Error Resume Nex
'<<<< Need to check that connection not already open >>>
Set ws = DBEngine.CreateWorkspace("MyWorkspace", "admin", "", dbUseODBC
Set cn = ws.OpenConnection("ODBCConnection", dbDriverNoPrompt, False, "ODBC;DATABASE=live;UID=;PWD=;DSN=remus"
If Err.Number = 0 The
DatabaseConnect = Tru
ans = MsgBox("IngresNet not running. Attempt to start IngresNet now?", vbYesNo, "Connection Failed"
If ans = 6 The
Shell32.ShellAndWait ("ingstart"
MsgBox "IngresNet started.", vbInformation, "Ingstart complete
End I
DatabaseConnect = Fals
End I
On Error GoTo
End Functio