how can I disable a control in the ribbon at run time



As an example, in Excel 2007, I have 5 buttons on the ribbon. When I press a
button, it runs code and then it is meant to disable the button. Do you know
how I could do this? Any help would be appreciated.


Hi Ron,

I am still having some problems. I am just testing out the process
before I proceed with my actual code but I am getting this error:

"Runtime 91. Object variable or With block variable not set"

Can you tell me why I am getting this error?

Here is my xml code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<customUI onLoad="RibbonOnLoad" xmlns="

<tab idMso="TabHome" >

<group id="grp1" label="Group1" tag="MyPersonalGroup" >
<button id="btn1" label="button1" size="large"
onAction="disableBtn1" getEnabled="GetEnabled"
imageMso="DirectRepliesTo" />
<button id="btn2" label="button2" size="large"
onAction="disableBtn2" getEnabled="GetEnabled" imageMso="AccountMenu" /</group>



and here is my vba code:

Option Explicit
Dim Rib As IRibbonUI

'Callback for customUI.onLoad
Sub RibbonOnLoad(ribbon As IRibbonUI)
Set Rib = ribbon
End Sub

'Callback for btn1 getEnabled
Sub GetEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
returnedVal = True
End Sub

'Callback for btn1 onAction
Sub disableBtn1(control As IRibbonControl)
Dim Rib As IRibbonUI
Rib.InvalidateControl ("btn1")
End Sub

'Callback for btn2 onAction
Sub disableBtn2(control As IRibbonControl)
Dim Rib As IRibbonUI
Rib.InvalidateControl ("btn2")
End Sub

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