How can I display a LIVE web page in Word document?



Hello, I need to display a LIVE web page in Word document.
How can I do that? I thought I could simply embed an IE object the way
I can embed an Excel object,
but surprisingly, I cannot use Internet Explorer as an OLE server.

I already downloaded the Mozilla Gecko Active-X object which I could
insert in a Word document,
as I have also been able to insert an MS Webbrowser object. But with
each objects, I have NOT
been able to navigate to any URL. Instead they just show a blank page
(MOzilla object) or the MS logo (MS Webbrowser object).

Do I really have to write an OLE server in a highlevel language? My
Windows programming skills are a bit rusty, but I guess I could do it.
It just boggles my mind that there should be no out-of-the box
solution for this.

It is rather important that the page is fetched live for printing/
viewing, or at least can be updated on demand.


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