How can I document the Data Validation used in a worksheet?


New VA User

I'm trying to document a worksheet. Is there a way to save all the data
validation parameters to a file other than cutting & pasting each entry?

JE McGimpsey

This might be a start. It saves the type and formula parameters of the
validation object in the cells in the active sheet which contain
validation. It doesn't save input strings or error strings, though those
could be added:

Public Sub DocumentValidation()
Dim sVal As Variant
Dim rValidation As Range
Dim rCell As Range
Dim nFile As Long
Dim sC As String
sC = Chr(9)
On Error Resume Next
Set rValidation = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllValidation)
If Not rValidation Is Nothing Then
nFile = FreeFile
Open "test.txt" For Output As #nFile
For Each rCell In rValidation
ReDim sVal(0 To 3)
With rCell.Validation
sVal(0) = Choose(.Type + 1, "Input Only", _
"Whole Number", "Decimal", "List", "Date", _
"Time", "Text Length", "Custom")
sVal(1) = .Formula1
sVal(2) = Choose(.Operator, "And", "Or", "Top 10", _
"Bottom 10", "Top 10%", "Bottom 10%")
sVal(3) = .Formula2
End With
Print #nFile, rCell.Address(False, False) & sC & _
sVal(0) & sC & sVal(1) & sC & sVal(2) & _
sC & sVal(3)
sVal = Empty
Next rCell
Close #nFile
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End Sub

If you're new to macros, check out David McRitchie's "Getting Started
with Macros" web page:

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