How can I edit data on a form w/query w/ one-to-many relationship?



I want to be able to run a query in a form and edit the data right there. I
have the form setup as a datasheet view, Record Set Type is set to Dynaset
(Inconsistent Updates). I have quite a few one-to-many relationships. The
Access Help says that "Query based on three or more tables in which there is
a many-to-one-to-many relationship" cannot be edited but "Though you can't
update the data in the query directly, you can update the data in a form or
data access page based on the query if the form's RecordsetType property is
set to Dynaset (Inconsistent Updates)." I set it up this way and it is still
not working. My users will not be happy if they cannot bring up a query of
data and not be able to edit from here. ANY THOUGHTS??

John W. Vinson

My users will not be happy if they cannot bring up a query of
data and not be able to edit from here. ANY THOUGHTS??

The standard approach would be to use a Form for the "one" table and a Subform
for the "many". If your users are accustomed to editing data directly in a
table or query datasheet... train your users to use Access properly!

John W. Vinson [MVP]


Okay, can you elaborate on what you mean by training the users to use Access
properly? Is it not proper to search for records on a form meant to do this
and edit the data that comes up? What they are doing is searching for errors
in the data entry before they send files to the State of Michigan. If there
are errors when we send it, they'll send the files back. They have been
trained on how to use it properly, but maybe I didn't develop it quite right?

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