How can I edit a header or footer in an online document protected for forms?
The fill-in the blank form fields are on page 1, but on the next pages the
sections are unprotected to allow paragraphs of information to be inserted.
Ex. - After page 1 the Footer needs to be changed in each section: Exhibit A
Page 1 of 1, then Exhibit B Page 1 or 2, etc. I don't want to unprotect the
document because sometimes the information in one or two of the form fields
needs to be changed and re-protecting the doc. resets the form fields. Is
there a simple macro that would unprotect the headers/footers and allow
editing without resetting the form fields? Thank you.
The fill-in the blank form fields are on page 1, but on the next pages the
sections are unprotected to allow paragraphs of information to be inserted.
Ex. - After page 1 the Footer needs to be changed in each section: Exhibit A
Page 1 of 1, then Exhibit B Page 1 or 2, etc. I don't want to unprotect the
document because sometimes the information in one or two of the form fields
needs to be changed and re-protecting the doc. resets the form fields. Is
there a simple macro that would unprotect the headers/footers and allow
editing without resetting the form fields? Thank you.