How can I edit Word docs which are saved onto a cd?



I save Word files onto a cd. My friend wants to edit them and re-save. Can
someone tell me an easy way to do this. Please remember I am still a
computer beginner - so not too technical answers please.

Charles Kenyon

Straight answer is you cannot. CDs, even RW-CDs are not suitable for editing
Word documents.

However, your friend can copy them onto a hard drive, edit them there, and
perhaps save them back to the same CD. The last part depends on the
CD-burning software being used.

The following is from my canned answer to people who have lost documents
when trying to save them to CDs or floppies or USB drives. Substitute CD for
the word floppy as you read:

If you want to be able to use your documents, when working within Word, act
as if your floppy drive does not exist! (This applies to CDRW/CDR drives as
Don't use Word to:
Open a document on a floppy
Print a document on a floppy
Edit a document on a floppy
Save a document to a floppy (not even a copy)

Word regularly trashes documents on floppy drives!

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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