If you export your RSS feeds from IE to an .opml file, you can then import
them into Outlook. Have you tried that yet?
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
ALWAYS post your Outlook version.
How to ask a question:
After furious head scratching, Michasam asked:
| I show:
| E-mail
| Data Files
| Sharepoint Lists
| internet Calendars
| Published Calendars
| Address Books
|| What tabs do you show under Data Files?
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
|| ALWAYS post your Outlook version.
|| How to ask a question:
|| After furious head scratching, Michasam asked:
||| There is no RSS tab under Data Files.
|||| Under Control Panel->Mail Icon->Data Files->RSS tab, what happens
|||| when you select Add and supply the requested information?
|||| --
|||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
|||| How to ask a question:
|||| After furious head scratching, Michasam asked:
||||| I want to start using the RSS Feeds feature in Outlook. It
||||| appears, however, that the functionality has been disabled
||||| because all relevant options are either missing (no RSS Feeds tab
||||| in Account Settings) or greyed out (Add a New Feed when
||||| right-clicking the RSS Feeds folder in my mailbox).
||||| What do I need to do?
||||| Sincerely,
||||| Michelle