Not automatic as I know nothing about your calendar, but the following
simple macro will insert a rotated overtime pattern shown at the start, for
the selected month, at the cursor.
The macro is easily edited if I have misunderstood your rotation pattern.
Sub Overtime()
'January Bob Mike Troy
'February Sue Bob Brad
'March Mike Sue Troy
'April Bob Mike Brad
'May Sue Bob Troy
'June Mike Sue Brad
'July Bob Mike Troy
'August Sue Bob Brad
'September Mike Sue Troy
'October Bob Mike Brad
'November Sue Bob Troy
'December Mike Sue Brad
Dim strMonth As String
Dim strText As String
Dim strFirst As String
Dim strSecond As String
Dim strThird As String
strMonth = InputBox("Enter Month Number - 1 to 12", _
"Month", Format(Date, "M"))
If strMonth = "" Then GoTo Cancelled:
If strMonth > 12 Then
MsgBox "There are only 12 months in a year!", vbExclamation, "Month"
GoTo Start:
End If
If strMonth = 1 Then
strFirst = "Bob"
strSecond = "Mike"
strThird = "Troy"
End If
If strMonth = 2 Then
strFirst = "Sue"
strSecond = "Bob"
strThird = "Brad"
End If
If strMonth = 3 Then
strFirst = "Mike"
strSecond = "Sue"
strThird = "Troy"
End If
If strMonth = 4 Then
strFirst = "Bob"
strSecond = "Mike"
strThird = "Brad"
End If
If strMonth = 5 Then
strFirst = "Sue"
strSecond = "Bob"
strThird = "Troy"
End If
If strMonth = 6 Then
strFirst = "Mike"
strSecond = "Sue"
strThird = "Brad"
End If
If strMonth = 7 Then
strFirst = "Bob"
strSecond = "Mike"
strThird = "Troy"
End If
If strMonth = 8 Then
strFirst = "Sue"
strSecond = "Bob"
strThird = "Brad"
End If
If strMonth = 9 Then
strFirst = "Mike"
strSecond = "Sue"
strThird = "Troy"
End If
If strMonth = 10 Then
strFirst = "Bob"
strSecond = "Mike"
strThird = "Brad"
End If
If strMonth = 11 Then
strFirst = "Sue"
strSecond = "Bob"
strThird = "Troy"
End If
If strMonth = 12 Then
strFirst = "Mike"
strSecond = "Sue"
strThird = "Brad"
End If
strText = "First Shift: " & vbTab & strFirst & _
vbCr & "Second Shift: " & vbTab & strSecond & _
vbCr & "Third Shift: " & vbTab & strThird
With Selection
.Font.Bold = True
.Font.Underline = wdUnderlineSingle
.TypeText Text:="OVERTIME"
.Font.Bold = False
.Font.Underline = wdUnderlineNone
.TypeText strText
End With
Exit Sub
MsgBox "User Cancelled!", vbInformation, "Cancelled"
End Sub
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Graham Mayor - Word MVP
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