how can I excecute a macro in Access from an Infopath form


Jhon S.

I have made a macro in Access called Availability; that executes SQL
queries, so that i have the Information redy to get diplay in a table; y have
also made the Infopath view to this table; but i don't know ; How can I
excecute my access macro from an Infopath that i can get my
information updated.? Is it posible....? y was trying to fugure it out but
not ...! i can't break to it....
Do I need; VS or JScript...?
i hoppe you can help me...whit some samples...!

Bob C.

Opt 1) Use managed code, create a connection to the db, and execute the
queries as needed.

Opt 2) (this may be the simplest) Create secondary data connections to the
access db queries (1 for each query, as in the access macro).

Jhon S.

Thanks; Bob.
Can you help me finding some managed code exsamples ?...or web pages...!
Much apreciated your help...

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