How can I fix the double click on hover buttons?


Cary Miller

I am using Front Page 2003 and I am having a problem with the hover buttons.
It takes a DOUBLE click (instead of SINGLE) to activate them. They were
created in Front Page 2000.

My other option is to use the INTERACTIVE buttons, but they only seem to
come in 9 colors.

I want to know hot to change the color OR fix the double click problem


Don't use hover buttons. They require Java (not javascript), and due to a
recent update to IE are even less usable than they were before (most people
do not have the Java engine installed, and therefore do not see your buttons
at all).

Use simple interactive buttons.

Mark Fitzpatrick

Unfortunately, this actually doesn't have anything to do with FrontPage. Due
to a patent lawsuit filed by Eolas against Microsoft, Microsoft was forced
to change the way that Internet Explorer handles embedded objects such as
Flash and Java. They now require a user interaction to click on the object
to activate it. The Opera browser also is using this approach as well
pro-actively. The best way around this is not to use the components when you
can avoid it.

In this case, the hover buttons are a bad choice to use because they are
based on Java and the number of computers that have a Java Virtual Machine
(JVM) on them necessary to run Java are extremely low as interest in the
language has fallen greatly from it's height in the dotcom days. A DHTML
image swap is a much safer and predictable route to go.

Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP- FrontPage

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