My office just converted to Office 2007 and I've figured out most stuff, but
all my incomming emails are always converted to plain text. And not just
once, everytime I reopen an email inmy inbox, it's the same. With 2003 I
could just change this under email options, but now the only option it gives
me it all the emails I write are in HTML. All the ones I recieve I have to
convert individually to HTML. Is there something I am missing on changing a
setting somewhere so Outlook doesn't automatically change my emails to plain
text? Thank you.
all my incomming emails are always converted to plain text. And not just
once, everytime I reopen an email inmy inbox, it's the same. With 2003 I
could just change this under email options, but now the only option it gives
me it all the emails I write are in HTML. All the ones I recieve I have to
convert individually to HTML. Is there something I am missing on changing a
setting somewhere so Outlook doesn't automatically change my emails to plain
text? Thank you.