how can i get data of spesifec cell



hi all

if i have the following coulma

file123 33 33 58
file124 23 34 36
file123.a 27 26 64
filees123 22 27 67
file345 23 44 36
file123 11 99 44

how i can make new sheet include the file which have 123 so result will be

file123 33 33 58
file123.a 27 26 64
filees123 22 27 67
file123 11 99 44

thank you


Assuming your original data is on Sheet1 from cell A1 to D6,

on the new sheet:
A1 =IF(ISERROR(FIND(123,Sheet1!A2)),"",Sheet1!A2)
B1 =IF($A1="","",Sheet1!B2)

Copy cell B1 and paste it on C1 and D1.
Then copy the entire row and paste it on next row(s).

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