How can I get date of file creation to XLS cell in date format?


Radek Simek

I'm using Excel Standard Edition 2003 (11.5612.8132) and have following
problem. I need to get date of file creation (e.g. from Properties - file
created) to specific excel cell (in day format) of the same file. Does any
simple way (function?) exist?

Radek Simek

Or if you know any other way how to handle this problem, feel free to mention

The situation is following (in more detail): I have set of items of
different stautses (approved, in approving,...) and need to find out how many
items changed its' status from "in approving" to "approved" in last 7 days
(not from now, but from time when the report was generate). I can't use
function TODAY() as it wolud take date of today as one to copmare with. I
need somehow get the date of file creation - date when data were generated
from SAP).

Thanks for any advice.

Gary''s Student

Try this one-line UDF:

Public Function creation_date() As String
creation_date = ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Creation Date")
End Function

Gord Dibben

No built-in Function

Function DocProps(prop As String)
On Error GoTo err_value
DocProps = ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties _
Exit Function
DocProps = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End Function

'=DOCPROPS("last save time")
'DOCPROPS("creation date")

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

On Thu, 8 Nov 2007 04:25:00 -0800, Radek Simek <Radek

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