How can I get "fill color" to work in office word 2003.



My son is trying to set up a yellow boarder around his school paper, like the
boarder on the "National Geographic" magazine. When I tried to use the "color
fill" tool bar button, my choice of colors was empty, and I couldn't fill it.

Barb Reinhardt

Format/Border/Page Border

Select the type of border you want (Box?)

Change the color to YELLOW (or whatever you want)

Change the width as needed.


Here's what I found on my problem:
In Microsoft WORD, the "Fill COLOR" on the toolbar showed NO COLOR (and
grayed out) when I click on it? I made a 2006 CALENDAR in MS WORD and had no
problems before. Now I go to change the color and the entire FILL COLOR Box
is GREY and can't select any colors. What's the problem?

*** PROBLEM RESOLVED: I was using the WRONG info. When you (R)ight mouse
click on the get the menu selection. I was using the "Drawing"
selection and that's NOT what I needed.....HOWEVER, I clicked on "Tables &
Boarders" and THEN used the "shading color" icon in the toolbar and was able
to apply it in my Word Table (Grid) I created. It works! The "Drawing" and
"Tables & Boarders" are "similar" when it comes to using the shading/Fill
color but they work differently. Keep this in mind.

If anyone would like a 2006 CALENDAR, feel free to email me at:
(e-mail address removed) and please put "2006 CALENDAR" in the subject line of your

I hope this helps! I look forward hearing from anyone who has this's better than calling MS Tech Support when you can read the
posts! GREAT INFO!
Bill H.

P.S. I'm currently using WINXP PRO and Office XP PRO 2003.


Glad that worked for you, but...

I count 22 toolbars in my Word 2003 Pro V11, and I believe more than one
have a "Fill COLOR" button. I am working with the DrawingToolbar, and both
Fill and Line are greyed out, locked in colors I do not want this time.

So I ask, right click on which part (button or space) of which toolbar to
get Fill color in Tables&Borders? Or you just used the Shading color button
of Tables&Borders, a different button, so the Fill (and Line) problem is NOT

Peace - Hesch

Patriots 67

I can explain this easier if you want to email me directly at:
(e-mail address removed)

Look forward hearing from you.
P.S. In the subject line of your email....put: FILL COLOR / MS WORD
Look forward hearing from you.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

The Drawing toolbar shows Fill Color and Line Color for AutoShapes. These
buttons are unavailable unless an AutoShape is selected. If you want to
apply Border Color and Shading Color (to a table or paragraph), you need the
Tables and Borders toolbar, which has these buttons; confusingly, they use
the same button icons.

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