How can I get images to display in Draft view?



The images do display in Print Layout, but not in Draft.

I went to Office | Word Options | Advanced | Show document content. I
noticd that

Show background colors and images in Print Payout view

was unchecked, which was puzzling since the the images did show up in
Print Layout view. I tried checking it, but no joy.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Inline images should display in Draft view as they did in Normal, but
wrapped images have never displayed in Normal view and should not be
expected to in Draft view.


Inline images should display in Draft view as they did in Normal, but
wrapped images have never displayed in Normal view and should not be
expected to in Draft view.

Are you referring to how the text wraps around the image? Please
explain what an inline vs wrapped image is.

I think the rules have changed from 2000 to 2007. Here's a little

* Load a Word 2000 document
* Select Normal view
* Go to Excel
* Select a block of cells (4x5)
* Click Ctrl-C
* Go back to Word
* Click Ctrl-V
* Click on the Paste Options icon
* Select Paste as Picture

The picture is displayed.

* Click on the Office button
* Click Save as...
* Select Word (2007) document

The picture disappears. So it is not the same in 2000 and 2007.

Here's another oddity. If I now click on the Print Layout button, the
image is still not displayed. I just see a box where it should be.

But if I follow the exact same steps as above in a document that is
already in 2007 format, I see the complete image in Print Layout.
Still nothing at all in Draft Layout.

Please tell me what I need to do so that I can see the images in Draft

Suzanne S. Barnhill

An inline image is one that has "text wrapping" set to In Line With Text. A
"wrapped" or "floating" image is one that has any other wrapping style
(Square, Tight, Behind Text, In Front of Text, etc.). Inline images are in
the text layer and can be displayed in Normal view. Wrapped images are in
the drawing layer, which is not displayed in Normal view.


An inline image is one that has "text wrapping" set to In Line With Text. A
"wrapped" or "floating" image is one that has any other wrapping style
(Square, Tight, Behind Text, In Front of Text, etc.). Inline images are in
the text layer and can be displayed in Normal view. Wrapped images are in
the drawing layer, which is not displayed in Normal view.

OK, so how do I make sure that the image is inline?

I have a simple document. I selected some cells in Excel and hit
Ctrl-C. I went to Word and hit Ctrl-V, then selected Paste as Picture
from the Paste options icon. Thayt should make it inline, right?

Where do I find the wrapping style options?

Terry Farrell

Select the object and then right-click on its edge. Choose format Object
from the context menu and one of the settings will be for Alignment.

Terry Farrell

Oh! You can change the default setting in Word Options so that when you
insert an object it will be In Line.


Herb Tyson [MVP]

If this is Word 2007, then when you right-click a picture inserted as
described, one of the options in the context menu is Text Wrapping. Click
Text Wrapping, then In line with text.

But, as Terry says, you can set the default to In line with text. Office
button - Word Options - Advanced tab - Cut, copy, and paste section, set
Insert/paste pictures as: to In line with text.

Graham Mayor

However in Word 2007, images are apparently not shown in draft view whatever
the wrap.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Terry Farrell



Graham Mayor said:
However in Word 2007, images are apparently not shown in draft view
whatever the wrap.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Herb Tyson [MVP]

....unless the file is being edited in Compatibility Mode. If you're editing
a Word 97-2003 file, in-line images are indeed shown in draft view!

I suspect this is more of the "new graphics engine" at work. For my own
part, I really wish the new engine had spent more time on the factory floor
before being rolled out into the fast lane (I'd better stop before I break
down from metaphor overload).

Graham Mayor

Hmmm. I hadn't noticed that .... yet ;) Interestingly if you copy and paste
from Word 2003 to Word 2007, then the image doesn't show. It is only when
the 2003 document is saved and then opened in 2007 that the pictures are
present in draft view, so it seems to be more a conversion parameter than a
display parameter?

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

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