How can I get the mail merge result as a hyperlink?


Alwin Morgenstern

I am using mail merge with Outlook. My questions is:

I am using a "User field", the information there is a web site. How can I
change the mail merge command that the result in email message is then later
a hyperlink? Rght now the result is only the field informaiton.

Thank you for you help
Alwin Morgenstern

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?QWx3aW4gTW9yZ2Vuc3Rlcm4=?=,
I am using mail merge with Outlook. My questions is:

I am using a "User field", the information there is a web site. How can I
change the mail merge command that the result in email message is then later
a hyperlink? Rght now the result is only the field informaiton.
Generating hyperlinks as the result of a mail merge is very tricky, and
generally doesn't work when merging to email (Outlook). With the help of a
macro, you can usually manage to get the hyperlinks by merging to a new
document, then use a macro to break up the merge result and send the emails.

My advice would be to check out the list of non-Word "mail merge" tools
available at

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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