How can I have taskpad show all started but uncompleted tasks?



I want the taskpad to show only those tasks that have a start date today or
earlier and have not been checked off as completed. This used to work until
I had to have my hard drive wiped and formatted, and Office re-installed.
Now taskpad shows only a few of the tasks, even though I can see the other
tasks when I go to the Tasks window. Also, previously when I checked off a
task, it stayed on the taskpad but moved to the bottom and had a line through
it. Now it disappears from the taskpad when completed. I prefer the former
functionality. I have tried umpteen variations on task and taskpad settings,
but nothing restores the earlier view. Thanks.

Judy Gleeson [MVP Outlook]

View | TaskPad View | Active Tasks for Selected Days. That will show them
from Start Date onwards. You'll see completed ones each day, then the next
dat start with a clean slate (as far as completed ones go).


Thanks for the response, Judy. I had already tried this to no avail. I
could see four uncompleted tasks, but none of the others, including a couple
of tasks with today's start date.

However, more exploring led me to this partial solution that includes using
the setting you defined here. It seems unnecessarily complicated to get the
setting that seemingly should happen using your instructions. Maybe I have a
buggy version of Outlook.

Right click on Taskpad header in Calendar view

Customize Current View

Filter…Tasks…Time = none
Filter…Advanced…Start Date = on or before today
...Due date = anytime
...Date completed = does not exist

This gives me all the tasks I want. But I haven't figured out how to have
today's completed tasks remain on the list, with a cross-out, for the
remainder of the day. Perhaps the latest upgrade to Outlook 2003 doesn't
allow this.

Judy Gleeson [MVP Outlook]

The setting I explained works perfectly well in over 300 x V2003 sites I
have provided training to. Maybe you need to reset your view first as you
have fiddled with it.

Judy Gleeson
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Outlook


Judy- can you tell me how to reset my view? This was a completely new
install of Office following a hard drive wipe, so I hadn't changed anything.
I just saved my outlook.pst before the wipe and copied it back after the
reinstall, but it acted differently. Any direction would be much
appreciated. Thanks.

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