How can I hide the date displayed in the associated text box for .



I am using Pin Milestones to link events to points on the timeline. Showing
the actual date abover the text describing the event is not really necessary
as the pin links to the date in the timeline. Moreover the date entry takes
up a whole line space above the event text. As I am pushed for space on the
timeline I would welcome techniques for hiding the date displayed.

Dick Hamilton [MSFT]

Hi John,

The date portion of the Pin milestone shape is a text box - you can click on
the textbox and hit <space> <escape> to remove the date text. It can be a
bit tricky because there is some shape protection on this shape.

If you'd to clear the date for all subsequent instances on the shape on the
page, in Visio 2003 select File > Shapes > Show Document Stencil. Right
click on the pin milestone master shape on the document master stencil and
choose Edit Master > Edit Master Shape. Repeat the steps above: click on
the textbox and hit <space> <escape> to remove the date text from the master
shape. Close the master edit window and answer "yes" to the "Update 'pin
milestone' and all its instances?" dialog.

I hope this helps.

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