Peter Davies
I am trying to insert a full page [text] box (within set
margins)in continuous text, but if I do so one line of the
narrative text remains (with the box anchor) hidden
underneath the foot of the box on the page with the full
box, even if the square and no overlap instructions are
marked under layout. What I really want is an anchor to a
particular page with the text flowing before and after it
as text is modified. I cant find any way to anchor to a
page rather than to a paragraph.
Version Word 2002
margins)in continuous text, but if I do so one line of the
narrative text remains (with the box anchor) hidden
underneath the foot of the box on the page with the full
box, even if the square and no overlap instructions are
marked under layout. What I really want is an anchor to a
particular page with the text flowing before and after it
as text is modified. I cant find any way to anchor to a
page rather than to a paragraph.
Version Word 2002