Hello Jay, thanks for your answer.
The "Insert Object" is the same dialog but in this dialog appear "Microsoft
Word Image" (and others) with Word 2003. With Word 2007 this type of object
doesn’t appear in the list.
The option "Insert -> Picture" inserts an image file but it is not the same
I'm looking for.
I use this option to create diagrams with arrows, boxes of text, lines,
pictures, etc. These objects are similar to objects created with Visio or
PowerPoint. But this option has fewer problems printing the document and of
course sharing the document with other users if they don't have those
Ok, after a second review I see that I can do the same inserting a
"Microsoft Office Word Document". The difference is the default page layout
of the new document. Word 2003 has both options but Word 2007 only has one of
Thank for your attention.