how can I keep the indent and outdent(wbs) format while copying an



how can I keep the same format(wbs) indent and outdent while copying and
pasting into any new project file or any excel sheet?

I just want to keep same indent and outdent format to make some edits after
pasting the project file into new project file or the excel sheet?


alper said:
how can I keep the same format(wbs) indent and outdent while copying and
pasting into any new project file or any excel sheet?

I just want to keep same indent and outdent format to make some edits after
pasting the project file into new project file or the excel sheet?

Unfortunately cutting and pasting select tasks from one Project file to
another Project file or Excel will NOT retain the formatting. However,
you can retain the indenture structure (only in Project, not Excel) by
using Save As to a new file name and then deleting those tasks that you
do not want in the new file.

If you want to be able to capture the essence of indenture formatting
for Excel, go to fellow MVP, Jack Dahlgren's website at,, and use his "Export hierarchy to
Excel" macro. It will not preserve the indenture but it will include the
Outline Level field so that you can easily re-format once the data is in

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

Jim Spiller

I just learned this trick a few weeks ago... If you have Project 2003 or
earlier you can use the File-Save As Web Page command and then open the
corresponding .html file in Excel and it maintains the indenting.

Keep in mind that Project won't recognize the indenting and put it back that
way if you import it but include the Outline Level in your Export and Import
and it will.

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