How can I keep the PDFMaker toolbar from appearing every time I o.



Word 2003 and Adobe Acrobat 6.0
I close the PDFMaker toolbar, but it comes back up when I switch between
documents or when I open a new one.


I guess I am looking for the opposite here. After installing AA 6.0, I did
have the PDF toolbar in word, but one day it just disappeared, and I used it
enough to want to keep it. Now I can't find a way to restore it. How do I
do that?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You should have the toolbar provided you have in the Word or
Office Startup folder. Right-click on any toolbar and select PDFMaker 6.0
from the list. Word *should* continue to display the toolbar the next time
you start up if it is displayed when you quit Word, though sometimes getting
Word to save its settings is difficult.


Before posting here, I did a search for and found it at:

C:\program files\adobe\acrobat6.0\
C:\program files\microsoft office\office10\startup\
C:\program files\microsoft office\office11\startup\

It was also under My Computer twice and there were two shortcuts to it.

Right clicking on any of the Word toolbars produces a list that does not
include If I look at a list of .doc files to open and right
click on a file, I do see the option to convert to PDF, but the PDF toolbar
is no where to be found.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Is listed under Tools | Templates and Add-ins? If so, is it
checked? I'm not clear why it would not be loading if it's in the Office
Startup folder. Are you getting any messages at startup about macros being


Is listed under Tools | Templates and Add-ins?

But of course it is.

But of course it wasn't. Thank you so much, the toolbar is back, but I have
no idea what I did to lose them in the first place. Again, thank you Suzanne.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

If you find, after you have restarted Word, that is unchecked
again, then you need to make sure that the Startup folder it's in is the one
Word is actually using (compare it to the path at Tools | Options | File
Locations). If that is all correct, then the only thing I can think of is
that some other add-in is unloading it.


I have rebooted and opened word and the pdfmaker toolbar is intact. Thanks
again. Is there a site like this for Norton products? Their knowledge base
is bleak and I am having problems with their disk optimizer.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Usenet has many thousands of NGs, some of which undoubtedly pertain to
Norton products. Whether Symantec hosts any of them (either NNTP NGs or Web
forums) I don't know.


Usenet has many thousands of NGs...

Have no clue about the above abbreviations. By no means a computer novice,
I rarely venture into newsgroups. I am overjoyed to find a seriouse site
like this, but most are just sewers in disguise. Not even a newsgroup, I just
discovered that mainstream AOL is the biggest SEWER on the planet.

I have never used AOL but I do use their IM. Two days ago I decided to
check their chat rooms to ask a question about AOL AIM. I entered the room
that seemed most appropriate and saw nothig but trash and was immediately
bombarded with IM's from those within. I then hopped in and out of several
other rooms of varying descriptions and all were the same. I cannot believe
that one single parent on the planet would allow their children to use AOL as
their ISP.

Sorry for the rant, I came here and you solved my problem in a flash, and i
thank you for that. no means a prude, but there are limits.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

When you read a newsgroup (NG) using a newreader such as Outlook Express,
you are using NNTP, the native format of Usenet NGs. Some companies, such as
Microsoft, offer either their own Web forums (hosted only on their own
servers) or a Web interface to the NNTP NGs. Microsoft both hosts Usenet NGs
(at and provides an HTTP (Web) interface (the
Communities) to access them. This is useful for users behind a corporate
firewall that does not permit direct access to Usenet. There are other
third-party portals such as Google Groups (one of the best) and WordForum
(possibly one of the worst) that do much the same thing.


The problem I am having is with Norton System Works 2005's System Doctor. I
searched Google Groups for Symantec System Doctor and found ONE string that
seemed similar to my problem. After clicking on 5 or 6 broken links I looked
closer and saw that the string was from 1998.

I then searched for Norton System Works 2005. It showed me HUNDREDS of
places to buy the software but nary a hint of support issues.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

It appears that Symantec doesn't have any discussion groups, but its support
options include an automated assistant, a knowledge base, and, if those
fail, email assistance.


I already used the automated assistant and it checked my system. It found I
had removed a file from my startup that NSW requires. I reselected that item
for startup, but it didn't help the problem. As I said earlier their
Knowledge Base is bleak. As for e-mail, there is an opportunity to tell them
about problems, but they do not respond to those e-mails, they only collect
info. The other e-mail offer is to presend your problem details and get a
control number prior to making a $30 phone call for support. After more than
10 years with Norton, I am thinking of moving on.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

I have limited my use of Symantec software to NAV (*without* the Office
Plug-in) and have been well-satisfied with that. Perhaps I should knock on
wood before saying that it seems to run (including automatic updates) with
as little disruption as possible, and I'm happy with it (unlike my husband,
who had nothing but trouble with its insistence on trying to phone home
every time he booted up, whether he had an active connection or not), but I
know that, as in all things computer, YMMV.


If that is so, I assume you use the Windows defragger. It is the NSW System
Doctor that is driving me nuts. In the past it was no problem and always did
a 100% defrag. Now, after doing a 3+ hour long defrag the best I was getting
was a 97% defrag and it is alarmed at 95%. Hours after the defrag, the alarm
was red again and under 95%.

In the past, the clusters were in different colored blocks which supposedly
told you what they were and how often they were used. Now every defragged
cluster is blue meaning that every file on my system is frequently used. DUH!

In the past, below the defragged clusters there would only be a few
unmovable items. Last night I finally got a 100% defrag, but there were
dozens and dozens of used "grey" clusters below the defragged clusters. I
decided to run it again and when it was done - just half an hour ago - I was
at 92% defragged.

If you only use NAV, what firewall do you use?


Suzanne S. Barnhill

I recently installed Zone Alarm Pro (though I'm far from happy with it);
before that I had no firewall. I don't defrag. Well, I did once even though
Windows assured me it wasn't necessary. I've got an 80 GB drive only a
quarter full, so not much fragmentation.


Seems strange that they would go to the trouble of creating a defragmenting
program if one were not even needed, and then to include that program in
every version of windows since Windows 3.x

I just ran the Norton defrag again, got to 97% and took 2 hrs and 50 minutes.


Graham Mayor

The problems of fragmentation are overstated and made largely irrelevant
with the use of NTFS filing systems. I have rarely found the need to defrag
and have noticed no difference in performance when I have done so.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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