Sorry, I do not know where I was this morning, but I was not thinking
straight... See my comments in-line!
Dans son message, < Jean-Guy Marcil > écrivait :
In this message, < Jean-Guy Marcil > wrote:
|| Bonjour,
|| Dans son message, < Steve Franks > écrivait :
|| In this message, < Steve Franks > wrote:
|||| Thank you Jean - Guy, you are right they are actually documents, rather
|||| Word templates.
|||| For my purposes they are templates in the literal sense of the word
|||| recipes for users to follow.
|||| The problem appears to be that some of the documents have attached
|||| that don't exist, or at least I don't have access to them. These are
|||| the ones I want to investigate, but Word substitutes as its
|||| response to ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate.
|||| I can see them when I look for them, but programmatically how do I
|||| their names?
|| Of course, as soon as you open the document if Word does not find the
|| template, it attaches
True, but the document still knows it "real" Template, as long as you do not
change the attached template in the Templates & Add-in dialog.
|| If you want to know what the template is before opening it, you have to
|| the Template built-in document property.
|| E.g:
|| MsgBox ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties(wdPropertyTemplate)
If you test for the attached template, you will get, as you have
found out. But you can still use
MsgBox ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties(wdPropertyTemplate)
after opening the document and the original template name will be displayed.
|| You have to read that property before opening the document.
|| See
|| and
These links may be of interest to you (for future reference), but are not
necessary in this case.
Sorry again.
Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site: