how can i log on to my web server from Front Page?



I am using BCentral to host my web site. When I try to log on to BCentral
through Front Page, I can't...but I can log on through my browser with no
problems. Occasionally Front Page will allow me to log on if I close all
open webs, then open the web by typing in the address...but it will only
allow me to do it once, and this does not work all the time. What could I be
doing wrong?

Binu K [MSFT]

This may be a Problem in the webserver site. It that case case you have to
contact the bcentral for more assistance

Also try these steps before contacting the hosing provider
1.Clcik on start->run
2. Here type in frontpg http://<your sitename>
3. Click on ok
4. Check if this is resolving the issue

Hope this helps


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| Thread-Topic: how can i log on to my web server from Front Page?
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| Subject: how can i log on to my web server from Front Page?
| Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 05:40:02 -0800
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| X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.frontpage.client
| I am using BCentral to host my web site. When I try to log on to
| through Front Page, I can't...but I can log on through my browser with no
| problems. Occasionally Front Page will allow me to log on if I close all
| open webs, then open the web by typing in the address...but it will only
| allow me to do it once, and this does not work all the time. What could
I be
| doing wrong?

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