How Can I mail merge a customer name and bought product list?



Hi, I have a Database that has the following:

111 200810 PENS 1.50
111 200809 PENS 1.50
111 200807 BOOKS 10.00
115 200810 PENS 1.50
116 200809 BOOKS 10.00

And I want to create a mail letter to each one of my customers with a list
of the products they have bought so far, including the price of it:

So the letter will look like:

Dear Customer 111

You bought the following:

200810 PENS 1.50
200809 PENS 1.50
200807 BOOKS 10.00

Thank you for your custom.


Next letter should be:

Dear Customer 115

You bought the following:

200810 PENS 1.50

Thank you for your custom.


So Can I do that with Word Mail Merge???

Thank you for your help.

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