How can I make a font dashed?



I am a teacher trying to make our writing font (Victorian Modern Cursive)
into a dotted or dashed form, so that the children can trace over it. Can it
be done?? and if so how??


Ness said:
I am a teacher trying to make our writing font (Victorian Modern Cursive)
into a dotted or dashed form, so that the children can trace over it. Can
be done?? and if so how??

If it can't be done on a computer, you could print it out nice and big NOT
dashed, trace over it with light paper and a pen, making it into dashes,
then photocopy it or scan it.

Seems kind of old fashioned, but it must be how the did this "in the old
days" (I remember those dashed letters to trace over in school and I started
first grade 1947-50)

Sometimes maybe the old- paper and pen/pencil way might be fastest and

~ Carrie

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