How can I make an Outlook note directly from OneNote ?



OneNote allows direct conversion to tasks, calendar and contact. Is there a
way to make an Outlook note directly from OneNote ?

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Not in the same automated way - copy/paste is the only method.

But why? You're copying data from your million-gigaflop computer into an
old TRS-80! ;)


You confirmed the one method that I discovered this AM - copy/paste. The
reason for my madness is that I synchronize my Outlook files in my office
computer with my laptop computer and PDA. Notes in Outlook easily synchronize
with my PDA. I have not yet figured out all of the feature of OneNote yet but
it appears that I will not be able to easily put OneNote data on my PDA - my
laptop is not a problem since I installed OneNote on it also.

And for your information, I still have my TRS-80 Model II and Model 4P !
(No, I don't use them anymore ...!)

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