How can I make outlook warn me before sending message without subj


Ravi Garg

I am using outlook 2003. Is there any way by which Outlook will not send
messge if I forgot to write subject in the mail.

Ravi Garg

Thanks for your quick reply.
Here is a problem I am facing with this solution.

On Visual Basic editor screen, I double clicked on "Project1
(VbaProject.OTM)>Microsoft Office Outlook Objects>ThisOutlookSession" and
pasted follwoing code on right hand side panel(Code Pane).
Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)

Dim strSubject As String
strSubject = Item.Subject
If Len(strSubject) = 0 Then
Prompt$ = " The Subject Line is Empty. Do you want to send anyway?"
If MsgBox(Prompt$, vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 + vbQuestion +
vbMsgBoxSetForeground, "Check for Subject") = vbNo Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If
End Sub

This solution worked for some time.. but afterwards, I don't know what
settings I changed in this time, it is not working at all.

I dont get any popup message and mail gets delivered without a subject.

Can anybody please help me in finding what is the problem in this solution?

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Does other VBA code run? If not, check your setting in Tools | Macro | Security.

Also check Help | About Micrsooft Outlook | Disabled Items.

See for other basics.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Ravi Garg

Thanks Sue. Problem is solved.

Sue Mosher said:
Does other VBA code run? If not, check your setting in Tools | Macro | Security.

Also check Help | About Micrsooft Outlook | Disabled Items.

See for other basics.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

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