Hi Maria,
One way that you can do this in Word 2007 is with a 'legacy' (prior Word version) Active X control.
1. If you don't see the 'Developer' tab in the ribbon you'll need to turn it on first in the 'Popular' section of the Word 2007
options. (Alt, T, O)
[While in the options area you may need to check your settings in the 'Trust Center' to be sure that the Active X control will
function - at least on your computer]
2. Select the spot in your document where you want the box to appear.
3 .On the developer tab Choose 'Controls' then 'Legacy Tools' icon.
4. Select the ActiveX control 'Text Box' choice.
5. Size the text box to what you want.
6. With the text box selected, choose the 'Properties' item in the Developer tab on the Ribbon in the 'Controls Group'.
7. In the Top line of the Properties dialog be sure you have the text box title chosen.
8. Scroll Down in the properties to 'Scrollbars' and click on the current choice (0- fmScrollBarsNone) and change it to the type of
scroll bar you want then close the properties dialog.
9. On the Developer tab in the ribbon, turn off 'Design Mode' from the Controls Group. Then type or paste text into your text box
and you should have scroll bars if the text isn't fully visible inside of the text box control.
When you save the document it will have to be as either a .docm or a .doc file format. Also note that Print preview and print won't
really know what to do with the text in your scrolling text box. (Print preview will likely show it in the wrong place and it
doesn't print).
Also, the font, color, and other formatting of the contents of this text box are controlled through the properties dialog mentioned
in steps 6-8, not by Word's ribbon commands).
Hello everyone,
I'm new here.
I have texts in Microsoft Word 2007 that's longer than the text box.
What I want to do is to put vertical scroll bar on right side of the box so
that when user scrolls down, he can see hidden texts.
I tried using Developer/Controls/Legacy Tools/Scroll Bar on text box but
scroll bar did not come up. There must be something to do on text box that I
don't know.
Please help me how to accomplish it.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*