A posting indicated that it was possible for me to manipulate my embeded
visio application in a MS Access Table by using the bound object frame object
properites?? I could associate a form with bound object frame to the OLE
Object of my table (I have only one field that is OLE Object).
I have been activating (acOLEVerbOpen) the embeded visio drawing from my
access table. Making changes to the layers, such as make some layers in
visio visible and hiding others. I then create send the drawing over to
power point using OLE from Access VBA code.
Do I really need to activate the embeded drawing or is it possible to change
these properites and generate the power point without activating????
Second part - I some application, I also take the embed drawing and flip it
vertically and horizontally and then generate a power from it.
I really appreciate all the help I can get!!!
Thank You,
visio application in a MS Access Table by using the bound object frame object
properites?? I could associate a form with bound object frame to the OLE
Object of my table (I have only one field that is OLE Object).
I have been activating (acOLEVerbOpen) the embeded visio drawing from my
access table. Making changes to the layers, such as make some layers in
visio visible and hiding others. I then create send the drawing over to
power point using OLE from Access VBA code.
Do I really need to activate the embeded drawing or is it possible to change
these properites and generate the power point without activating????
Second part - I some application, I also take the embed drawing and flip it
vertically and horizontally and then generate a power from it.
I really appreciate all the help I can get!!!
Thank You,