How can I move boxes ("processes") and comments simultaneously?



Hi, I would like to move both boxes ("processes") and comments which refer to
them (which I placed next to it) in one go. I tried to mark everything and
then move, but it does not move the comments with it. Is there a way to do
it? Thank you!

Paul Herber

Hi, I would like to move both boxes ("processes") and comments which refer to
them (which I placed next to it) in one go. I tried to mark everything and
then move, but it does not move the comments with it. Is there a way to do
it? Thank you!

Sorry, I don't think there is a way to do this. These comments (or Annotations as they are
called) are not normal Visio shapes.
These annotations are part of the page structure. Click on the page so no shape is
selected, then menu Window -> Show Shapesheet. This will give the page shapesheet. You
will see a section called Annotations, this includes the X/Y coordinates of the items. If
you know approximately how far you've moved the main shapes then maybe you could adjust
these X/Y coordinates by an equivalent amount. A macro could even be written to do so! You
would have to find some way of specifying which annotations to move as there is no other
way to select which ones you want to be moved.

David J Parker [MVP Visio]

Indeed a macro can be written to fix the XY co-ordinates to be pinned to the
PinX and PinY of their associated shapes ... thus moving with them

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