Using the hyperlink method works most of the time but I have had problems
with the department that supplies the PDF document. They do not always use
the same naming convention when creating the Pdf. If there is a comma or a
pound sign (#) in the file name of the PDF the hyperlink may not always work.
In my work place the PDF’s are scanned images of contractual documents. These
come in three flavors; Proposed, Authorized, and Cancelled.
I have solved the hyperlink problem by doing the following, one by creating
a field in one of the forms supporting tables called “FileName†in this field
I paste the name of the pdf document from the Pdf’s properties box.
On the form itself I have an unbound text box. Using the On current property
of the form I have an if statement that creates one of the folder names that
contract’s uses to file the pdf. For example A1 = authorized, p1 = proposed,
C1 = cancelled.
Private sub Form_current()
If Authcode.value = “A1†then
Me.txtFolder= “ContractxxxAuthorizedâ€
End if
Elseif Authcode.value=â€P1†then
End if
Elseif Authcode.value=â€C1†then
End if
Exit sub
End sub
Create a button on your form with the code below:
Private Sub cmdViewPDF_Click()
' this sub opens a particular Pdf based on information contained on
Document tracking ‘information form.
Dim strAdd As String
strAdd = txtFolder & "\" & FileName
OpenPDFFile "\\ServerName\PF1\Pf2\Pf3\PF4\PDFs\" & strAdd & " "
Exit Sub
End Sub
PF1= primary Folder
Pf2=Secondary Folder
PF3= tertiary Folder
Pf4= next folder
Thus with these two sets of code you set up a way to open a PDF document by
programming in the file path and not using the hyperlink.
Good luck