How can I place multiple pictures on a page in Word?



Used to using Publisher -- but forced to use Word to create a manuscript for
a friend for self-publishing... Mostly images, and I can't figure out how to
place them accurately on a page. They seem to 'drop' in randomly almost and I
can't position them precisely relative to each other. I do understand about
how to position them re wrapping w/text but that isn't the issue here.




What version of Word are you using.
From your describption is sounds that the default settign for the paste of
images is set to a floating layout, if you are pasting anywhere near another
floating image then you can get the reaction you describe.
Personally I would change the default so the image comes in as
InLineWithText and insert the images into cells of a borderless table?
Remember that you can merge serveral cells in the table to get different
layouts for different sizes of images, this can work very well.
You can change the default paste setting in Tools, Options, Edit,
Insert/Paste Pictures as: options. This option is only in 2003 and later.
If you must have floating images, get used to the options in the Format
Picture, Layout, Advanced dialog. These can help you control the positioning
of the images.
Hope this helps


thanks, Dean -- I'll give the borderless table idea a try; that makes some
kind of sense. I really miss being able to precisely place images .. am using
Word 2003.



I just tried your suggestion -- but, don't understand how to use the merging
cells feature to place, say, 2 images side by side but where Image #1 might
be placed partway next to Image #2, rather than strictly side by side (does
that make sense? I think I'm trying to say offsetting them ..)?? I don't see
how to make that happen with a table?



In the past when I have needed two (or more) images - say - overlapping, I
tend to use another application, Photshop/Powerpoint to get the images as I
want them, then save them as an individual image file, then insert that into
Word instead of messing around in Word.
All the best.

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