How can I place text in a venn diagram, not next to it?



I'm tring to place informaiton in a WORD venn diagram to compare and contrast
a topic.
Does anyone know how or if I can do that?
Thank you.


You can use the drawing tools to make your figures. You can use the "format
autoshape" option to color the figure or make it transparent to show
overlapping. If your drawing toolbar isn't diplayed, right click on a blank
space on your current toolbar and select "drawing". This could also be done
in PowerPoint.


Thank you, you've been a great help!

Sammy said:
You can use the drawing tools to make your figures. You can use the "format
autoshape" option to color the figure or make it transparent to show
overlapping. If your drawing toolbar isn't diplayed, right click on a blank
space on your current toolbar and select "drawing". This could also be done
in PowerPoint.

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