Andy Ford
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have produced a Spreadsheet whereas when someone makes a payment i
shows as the date of payment in cell B10 and the amount in cell C10 an
any missed payment charge in cell d10. What I want to do is make it s
that when a new payment is made, the spreadsheet moves to a new row i
the section (of which will then be the last row, below the last paymen
details) and then I want to be able to print this new row only, bu
still have it show in the same place on paper, so that each time
print the updated 'payment' details, it will only print the las
line/row and as such i'm hoping for it to be able to print so that i
prints on the same 'payment card'/piece of paper but below the ol
printed payment details but to also only print these new paymen
details only. I think it is something to do with 'excluding' certai
cells for printing or through shading the cells I don't want to prin
in white. Please could you help me on this by whatever mean
possible!!!! (Visual Basic???, Macro's). I'm new to excel though hav
some experience in using VB within Access.
Yours Sincerely
Andy For
I have produced a Spreadsheet whereas when someone makes a payment i
shows as the date of payment in cell B10 and the amount in cell C10 an
any missed payment charge in cell d10. What I want to do is make it s
that when a new payment is made, the spreadsheet moves to a new row i
the section (of which will then be the last row, below the last paymen
details) and then I want to be able to print this new row only, bu
still have it show in the same place on paper, so that each time
print the updated 'payment' details, it will only print the las
line/row and as such i'm hoping for it to be able to print so that i
prints on the same 'payment card'/piece of paper but below the ol
printed payment details but to also only print these new paymen
details only. I think it is something to do with 'excluding' certai
cells for printing or through shading the cells I don't want to prin
in white. Please could you help me on this by whatever mean
possible!!!! (Visual Basic???, Macro's). I'm new to excel though hav
some experience in using VB within Access.
Yours Sincerely
Andy For