How can I print journal notes by subject in Outlook 2007?



I'm looking for a way to keep my research notes easy to track, find again,
and print together. So, I'm research to see if Outlook 2007 journal feature
can handle this.

There's also the question on the categories and subject. I'm going more
toewards keeping the category, "research" and the subject as that particular

For example, I'm resarching blogging at the current time. I'm reading the
book "Problogger" and want to keep my notes under the subject matter
"blogging." I've also done some research on this subject from web sites and
blogs themselves, ezines, etc. I want to keep my notes and track the sources
as well.

The challenge is, later when I have 30 or so journal entries all named with
the subject blogging, can I print all at once rather than just one journal
entry at a time (too time consuming).

I also question the amount the journal can hold. I research a lot because
I'm a radio talk show host and TV host so I'm always researching. Is there a
limit? Or does this depend on my computer hard drive (which is huge and can
handle more than I could ever enter).

I'm not sure this is the easiest way to handle my research notes so I'm also
open if there is an easier way. I was thinking of Access but I didn't buy it
and I'm not keen on buying another piece of software. I tried Access three
versions ago and found it difficult for me to learn so I gave up.

I also tried keeping my notes in Word. One long file, naming the file the
subject. One such file was 80 pages long and difficult to find anything but
I could print everything at once if I so wanted to.

Open to any suggestions but would prefer to get an answer for Outlook
Journals first.

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