I merged over 500 envelopes and saved them to a file. However I cannot print
a range of those five hundred. i.e. 10-50 or even 1-6. The request to print
the range just goes to no where land. I can only print using the current page
option. I need to manually feed each envelope into the printer - thus the
need to break up the range and not print all at one time. The range function
only works right after the merge during the preview envelope stage after I
select the PRINT option. A dialog box then pops up and allows me a range to
a range of those five hundred. i.e. 10-50 or even 1-6. The request to print
the range just goes to no where land. I can only print using the current page
option. I need to manually feed each envelope into the printer - thus the
need to break up the range and not print all at one time. The range function
only works right after the merge during the preview envelope stage after I
select the PRINT option. A dialog box then pops up and allows me a range to