Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Gave the same link that I did..... So go jump on him too!
Is the same as...
Last post
|I can solve the problem by never posting here again!
| It seems that my answers are not worthy of this news group.
| I will spend my time and efforts elsewhere.
| bob
| ||
|| || > Hi Tina,
|| >
|| > That site has more than "The Code" (like it is a secret)
|| >
|| > The bottom line is that if you put it on the www then it becomes (for
|| some)
|| > fair game! If they want it they will get it.
|| >
|| > You might have missed...
|| > Get IrfanView or PictureShark, and watermark your images that are
|| displayed.
|| > That's the most effective thing you can do.
|| >
|| I disagree, yes they will get it .. but if someone is so numpty as to use
| it
|| in the first place ... telling them about the image code instead of the
| page
|| code will at least let one use a right click on the page, possibly keep
| them
|| some visitors, and ethically it's the right thing to do...the more people
|| that do this the better, if that site had put the image code on instead
|| the page code, then you point to it in here... all those that don't care
|| fig and will still use .... and so on and so on etc etc etc....
|| I subscribe to the ethical answer method, don't give out info that will
|| harm, eventually with enough experience people realise what they nearly
| did
|| or have been doing and so on and so on etc etc....
|| I was addressing a specific point I know all the myriad ways around the
|| codes and all the ways to confuse 'but not stop' newbie's as to 'getting'
|| images etc.... the other links given specially James huggins site more
| than
|| covered that stuff.
|| I'm an artist and have an art site I don't bother to 'protect' the images
| I
|| use to display my originals, firstly because the quality is not good
| enough
|| for anyone to use them, but lets the visitor see a good enough quality
|| viewing what they would be getting, and watermarking them interferes with
|| that plus it's an extra step in the involved process of preparing them.
|| However, I can see others in certain cases need to obstruct thieves, in
| that
|| case the best way forward is to use a watermark program, If one has
|| Photoshop one can use that as well.
|| Now if I've gotton you to email that site owner and get him to change out
|| the code to the image one, and for you to give out that image code after
|| trying hard to dissuade the questioner against using it in the future
|| have done something towards improving matters.. and if you do the same
|| so on and so etc etc etc. Mmmmm? and I'm talking to the converted here
|| ready .. do you reckon my chances are good? <smile>
|| It may be like banging your head against a brick wall but it's no excuse
| for
|| not trying

|| Tina