How can I rank numbers based on other numbers?



I'm trying to rank user's cell minutes of use based on what account they fall
under, and if they are on a particular plan. Here is an example of the

cell # MOU plan Acc#
555-1234 12 Nation 1200 1111111
555-1235 10 Nation 1300 1111111
555-1236 5 Nation 1200 2111111
555-1237 4 Nation 1300 2111111
555-1238 15 Nation 1200 1111111

I want to be able to rank the user based on the minutes of use (MOU), plan,
and account #. I know that I need to use some form of an array formula, but
I cannot seem to figure out how to get it correct for the Rank function.



RANK is not a very flexible function and won't handle conditional arrays.
You'd have to separate the data into the individual groups and then rank
each group.


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