how can I recover a corrupted xsn file due to invalid view?



Hi, I am developing a form.

At a certain point, I have added some more controls to the existing,
functioning form. When I tried to create a new document using the form,
I got the error:

Modello di modulo:
Impossibile aprire la visualizzazione seguente: Visualizzazione 1
Il file di visualizzazione seguente non è valido: view1.xsl
Il file XSL non è un documento XSL valido.
Previsto token ')', trovato '['.


It seems that the view1.xsl file generated by InfoPath is corrupted. I
have unzipped the xsn file, and the only fragment where the expression
appears is one control:

<span class="xdTextBox" hideFocus="1" title="" xd:xctname="PlainText"

style="WIDTH: 100%">


but I don't find the sintax error highlighted.

HOW CAN I RECOVER THE FORM? I have tried to edit manually the
view1.xsl, without success.



S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

It looks like the "../..[" is being replaced at runtime and InfoPath does not
like that syntax somehow. How did you generate that XPath expression from
within InfoPath? Try deleting the entire <div>...</div> section containing
that node from the view1.xsl and try opening InfoPath again.


S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton ha scritto:
It looks like the "../..[" is being replaced at runtime and InfoPath doesnot
like that syntax somehow. How did you generate that XPath expression from
within InfoPath? Try deleting the entire <div>...</div> section containing
that node from the view1.xsl and try opening InfoPath again.

I have tried to delete the <div>, and I have also updated the file, eliminating the reference to the original .xsn file,
but the error comes out again. I have searched the whold directory
obtained unzipping the .xsn file, and there isn't the expression in any

I don't know what else can I do, maybe redesigning the form, starting
from a backup copy... :-(


massiC said:
Hi, I am developing a form.

At a certain point, I have added some more controls to the existing,
functioning form. When I tried to create a new document using the form,
I got the error:

Modello di modulo:
Impossibile aprire la visualizzazione seguente: Visualizzazione 1
Il file di visualizzazione seguente non è valido: view1.xsl
Il file XSL non è un documento XSL valido.
Previsto token ')', trovato '['.


It seems that the view1.xsl file generated by InfoPath is corrupted. I
have unzipped the xsn file, and the only fragment where the expression
appears is one control:

<span class="xdTextBox" hideFocus="1" title="" xd:xctname="PlainText"

style="WIDTH: 100%">


but I don't find the sintax error highlighted.

HOW CAN I RECOVER THE FORM? I have tried to edit manually the
view1.xsl, without success.



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