valdoivan next help to fix one problem
On my desktop I use Norton System Works(windoctor) and state the fallowing
message went it try to repair and error:
Slution 1: No Solution
c:\ProgramFiles\CommonFiles\Installshield\Professional\Runtame\0701\Intel32\DotNetInstaller.exe" Cannot access a necessary file, "mscoree.dll"
"'mscorre.dll" might be located on a removable drive, a non-visible volume
such as an NTFS drive, or on a network. If
How can I fix this problem
message went it try to repair and error:
Slution 1: No Solution
c:\ProgramFiles\CommonFiles\Installshield\Professional\Runtame\0701\Intel32\DotNetInstaller.exe" Cannot access a necessary file, "mscoree.dll"
"'mscorre.dll" might be located on a removable drive, a non-visible volume
such as an NTFS drive, or on a network. If
How can I fix this problem