How can I recover my notes?



For some reason, all of my main One Note pages have been deleted, I still
have my Side Note's but the One Note pages are where I kept notes from every
class I've taken this semester. If anyone can help I'd be extremely

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Do you know what happened? The files shouldn't just delete themselves.

Are any recent backups available? Check under File | Open Backup.

Are there any *.ONE files on the hard drive? Search in Explorer for all
files named *.ONE. They might also be in the Recycle Bin.

Kathy Jacobs

Is it possible that you closed the sections? If so, do File--> Open and see
if any of your section names show.

I know this one sounds really trivial, but are you sign on to the computer
with the same log-in as you usually do? If not, then you won't see the same
sections because you will be looking at a different "My Documents" folder.
(Sounds obvious, huh? Spent several hours on the phone with a client
recently trying to figure out a situation much like this...)

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

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