How can I remove unwanted returns above a footnote?


Beth Obenshain

When I insert a footnote, Word adds two paragraph returns above the footnote
text. I see a short horizontal rule, two returns, and then my text. I am
unable to select the unwanted returns - and the horizontal rule for that
matter. I am using Word 7. I'll appreciate any help on this!

Stefan Blom

Switch to Draft view. On the References tab, click Show Notes. In the Footnotes
pane, choose to display the Footnote Separator. Delete the excessive paragraph

Beth Obenshain

Hi Stefan,

When I view the footnote in draft mode, there are no extra returns. What
else can I try?

Beth Obenshain

Hi Stefan, I figured it out! Thanks.

Stefan Blom said:
Switch to Draft view. On the References tab, click Show Notes. In the Footnotes
pane, choose to display the Footnote Separator. Delete the excessive paragraph

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP


Stefan Blom

Do you have nonprinting marks displayed (you can use Ctrl+Shift+8 as a toggle)?
Excessive paragraph marks will be shown as pilcrows (¶).

Stefan Blom

Was it a matter of hiding/showing paragraph marks (see my other reply)?

Anyway, I'm glad you got it sorted. :)

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