How can I reset bullets in Word 2007?



I have a 40 page document with bullet numbering here and there throughout the
document. At some point, when I create a numbered bullet list (by typing "1.
"), the autoformat starts the list at level 7 and not at level 1. If I use
the indent buttons to lower the level, when I get to level 1, the number that
is displayed is "8.", and so I need to also reset that to "1.".

If I add a new list using the button in the toolbar, it starts ok, so the
problem is with the autoformat.

How can I reset the autoformat numbered list?


Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?eW9uaWRlYmVzdA==?=,
I have a 40 page document with bullet numbering here and there throughout the
document. At some point, when I create a numbered bullet list (by typing "1.
"), the autoformat starts the list at level 7 and not at level 1. If I use
the indent buttons to lower the level, when I get to level 1, the number that
is displayed is "8.", and so I need to also reset that to "1.".

If I add a new list using the button in the toolbar, it starts ok, so the
problem is with the autoformat.

How can I reset the autoformat numbered list?
Have you tried right-clicking in the first list entry then choosing Restart

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Stefan Blom

The long-term solution is to not depend on AutoFormat when creating numbered
lists in Word. For example, you can create a list style instead.


Yes, I did try this. Although, the restart numbering doesn't appear until I
indent the list back to level 1.

If I try to make a new section, what else would be effected?


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