How can I safely remove programs that have shared files in Office 2000 Pro



I have Office 2000 Professional on computer. I need more hard drive space and never use the program
Microsoft Acces
Microsoft Outloo
Microsoft Power Point

I do use Outlook Express and Microsoft Word. Each time I try to remove programs, I am presented lengthy list of files that 'may be shared ' by others? How do I remove these programs and still have everything I need to run Word and Microsoft Outlook Express and Excel?

John Ski

Subject: How can I safely remove programs that have shared files in Office
2000 Pro
From: "=?Utf-8?B?S2FyZW4=?=" (e-mail address removed)
Date: 1/7/2004 3:56 PM Eastern Standard Time
Message-id: <[email protected]>

I have Office 2000 Professional on computer. I need more hard drive space
and never use the programs
Microsoft Access
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Power Point

I do use Outlook Express and Microsoft Word. Each time I try to remove
programs, I am presented lengthy list of files that 'may be shared ' by
others? How do I remove these programs and still have everything I need to
run Word and Microsoft Outlook Express and Excel?
Assuming you have a legal copy with the CDs, run setup from the Office CD and
choose "Add or Remove features", unselect the Programs you want removed and
Office Setup should do it properly without removing any files necessary to the
ones you're keeping installed.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
***Arthur C. Clarke***

Test Man

Just simply select "yes to all".

Karen said:
I have Office 2000 Professional on computer. I need more hard drive
space and never use the programs
Microsoft Access
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Power Point

I do use Outlook Express and Microsoft Word. Each time I try to remove
programs, I am presented lengthy list of files that 'may be shared ' by
others? How do I remove these programs and still have everything I need
to run Word and Microsoft Outlook Express and Excel?

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